When you can’t judge a book by it’s cover

When you can’t judge a book by it’s cover

This design trend is such a controversy, even among my own family!

I occasionally get the honor of decorating for friends,  family and an occasional business.  I feel very fortunate that I am trusted to design aspects of individuals living or work space because not only is it something that I love to do, but it also feels great to be trusted with such personal and intimate spaces.

So every time I decorate a bookshelf with the newest trend of turning the books around so the spines are facing towards the back and the pages towards the front, everyone laughs at me.  Can’t say that I blame them because I don’t really get it either.  I mean yeah, aesthetically it looks more cohesive but for practicality purposes it’s ridiculous.

I have, what I consider to be a decent amount of books that reside in three different bookcases in my house.

This bookcase houses the books that I read more often and typically pick up a book from this case on a daily basis.  There is no way I could turn the books around.


This bookcase holds mostly reference books used in my photography/wedding businesses.  Because I rarely refer to books in this case anymore, I experimented with the new trend, obviously not giving it a full commitment either way.  I figure I will live with it for a while because honestly, it takes time and energy to flip those books and I lost interest halfway through.

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